Computable Solutions (herein after referred to as ‘CSNET’) offers a fixed wireless internet solution to customers within the uThungulu District Municipality at a fixed monthly cost.

Our service is offered strictly on a quotation basis.


CSNET will;

Act in a fair, reasonable and responsible manner in all dealings with customers.

Ensure that its service meets the specification contained in our license and all relevant laws and regulations.

Not unfairly discriminate against or between consumers on the basis of race, gender, sex, age, religion, belief, disability, ethnic backround or sexual orientation.

Display utmost courtesy and care when dealing with customers.

Provide customers with a quotation regarding installation and service offered.

Where requested provide customers with guidance with regard to their needs.

Keep customers personal information confidential.

Advise customers of their right to refer complaints to ICASA.


 Customer Rights

The customer has the right;

To be provided our service without unfair discrimination.

To receive quotation and information in English, which is our current target market, if a customer requests this to be in another language CSNET will endeavour to provide that information in the language requested.   If CSNET does not have the information in the requested language, CSNET will inform the customer that we are unable to do so.

T o question his/her records and information held by CSNET.

To protect  his/her personal data, including the right not to have their data sold to third parties without permission of the customer.

To lodge a complaint and to redress with CSNET.

Contact details for complaints: 0826595520 or

To lodge a complaint with ICASA, if the remedial action by CSNET is not to the customers satisfaction.


On quotation CSNET will;

Stipulate the internet service being offered.

Stuipulate our Acceptable Use Policy.

Stipulate the price for the installation of the equipment on site.

Stipulate a fixed  price for the monthly internet access service.

Stipulate the terms and conditions, payment policies and monthly invoicing.

CSNET does not enter into any type of service contracts with the customer, the quotation supplied will act as the basis for the on going service. In the event of either party wanting to discontinue the service a 30 days calendar notice must be given to the relevant party in writing.

 Charging, Billing and collection

Once the quotation has been accepted by the customer, CSNET will install the equipment on site where upon the the equipment will be connected to the network. The internet service will commence from thereon.

The customer will then be invoiced for the installation and first months service.

Payments as stipulated on the quotation will then be payable immediately.

The monthly fixed internet access fee is then payable at month end, in advance.

Once payment of the equipment installation has been made the said equipment (CPE) will become the property of the customer.

CSNET does not offer any credit terms what so ever, and as such, does not run credit checks on any customer.

 Defective products

The customer is to take all precautionary measures to ensure the the (CPE) is protected from lightning, power surges and storm damage.

CSNET will not be liable for the CPE becoming defective through any of the above occurrences.

In the event of any installed equipment becoming faulty.

CSNET will;

Inspect the equipment for cause of damage.

Replace the equipment if found to be factory defective at no charge to the customer.

Replace the equipment if found to have been damaged by lightning or power surge at the customers expense. The price of replacement of this equipment will be communicated to the customer before replacement is done.